has changed
the geodynalps.org website had technical difficulties and it has now become geodynalps.eu. The new one is still in construction
Les Écrins, 4105 m, French Alps
l’ancien site en français
Ophiolites, Western Alps, Colle Verde, Italy
some information in English
from the old website
Matterhorn/Cervino, 4477 m, Swiss Alps
die frühre Webseite auf Deutsch
Glarus Thrust, Swiss Alps
Some pictures will come
The Vélodrome, French Alps
Geological observations?
Observations are to test hypotheses and without hypotheses, there can be no usable observations. Geology students should be taught to be independent, bold, imaginative thinkers before they become assiduous observers.
A.M. Celâl Sengör, 2019,Can. J. Earth Sci: Vol. 56
The geology of the Alps
In Europe, the Alps have a special geological place in terms of history, geography, and the quality of the outcrops. There is a huge amount of data, which is why this chain is the subject of very lively debate! To feed these last ones, here are
- – Maps & profiles
- – Pictures & figures
- – References & links