Maps - Some maps (topography, Moho depth) with the shape of the different geological units displayed on the tectonic map
Paleogeographic map - Palaeogeoraphic reconstructions of the Western Mediterranean at 131, 94, 35 and 20 Ma, modified from Handy et al., 2020.
A map - It is the first at the scale of one million that covers a domain spanning from Corsica until the Vienna basin, compiling the knowledge accumulated on the different structural Alpine domains, their tectonic relationships and palaeogeograhpic origin.
Based on a vast collection of data on the Alps gathered all along more than a hundred years, this compilation also takes into account most recent works (e.g. Schmid et al., 2004; Ziegler and Dèzes, 2006; Handy et al., 2010).
Geological profiles - Geological interpretations, at the lithospheric scale, of four Alpine seismic cross-sections (TRANSALP, NFP20 East, NFP20 West, ECORS-CROP). The resolution of the profiles is the same as the map.
A map - From Corsica to the Vienna basin (Austria), the Metamorphic Framework of the Alps, proposes a synthesis at one million scale of the different metamorphic conditions recorded in the course of the Alpine orogenesis since the Cretaceous. This synthesis is both an update and a reworking of the Metamorphic Structure of the Alps published in 2004 by Oberhänsli et al.
"Metamorphic" profiles - Depth distribution of the metamorphic units along the four seismic Alpine cross-sections (TRANSALP, NFP20 East, NFP20 West, ECORS-CROP);
Diagrams - Metamorphic facies diagram with a detailed description of the different mineralogical associations according to the chemistry of the rocks, and the rules used to represent metamorphic facies on the map
A map - The different data of the age of the metamorphism in the Alps are summarized on one map. Then we can discuss on the stages of the building of the Alpine belt.
"Time" profiles - The age are displaying on the four seismic Alpine cross-sections, to access the timing of nappes accretion.
Authors of the homepage: Romain Bousquet and Christian Robert
Authors of the tectonic map of the Alps: Romain Bousquet, Stefan M. Schmid, Gerold Zeilinger, Roland Oberhänsli,
Claudio Rosenberg, Giancarlo Molli, Christian Robert, Michel Wiederkehr and Philippe Rossi
Authors of the metamorphic map of the Alps: Romain Bousquet, Roland Oberhänsli, Stefan M. Schmid, Alfons Berger,
Michael Wiederkehr, Christian Robert, Andreas Möller, Claudio Rosenberg, Gerold Zeilinger, Giancarlo Molli and Friedrich Koller.
To contact us, use the following link or email address: contact@geodynalps.org
To cite documents about
Tectonics, Moho or paleogeography: Bousquet R., Schmid S.M., Zeilinger G, Oberhänsli R., Rosenberg C., Molli G.,
Robert C., Wiederkehr M., Rossi Ph., 2012, Tectonic framework of the Alps, CCGM/CGMW. http://www.geodynalps.org
Metamorphism or timing: Bousquet R., Oberhänsli R., Schmid S.M., Berger A., Wiederkehr M., Robert C., Möller A.,
Rosenberg C., Koller F., Molli G., Zeilinger G, 2012, Metamorphic framework of the Alps, CCGM/CGMW. http://www.geodynalps.org
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